Enter the mind and memories of Gordon Peter “Pete” who sends out Peace and Love to ya’ll.
“Speaking of unforgettable people: who could ever forget (I’ve tried, to no aaaaavail) mis compadres Charlie Bruscino and Larry “Bagger” Kimzey? – and that wacky but lovable goon squad in the kitchen: Pierre, Barry Ginsberg, David Smythe, Harold Ehrman, Tom Eng, Nic(odemas), and Neil (“Uncle Wally”); and Toomey, Gordo (Ed Sanchez) kickin’ ass on the day shift – and that wacky but lovable goon squad on the floor: hostesses, bartenders, ‘spresso/juicers, table bussers, and enchantresses? – and that w-b-lovable goon squad in THE OFFICE!?! I remember an impressive (well, I”M impressed [easily]) number of “floor” people’s names-matched-in with-faces and/or names-and-voices-matched-with-
There were two ladies that I was especially fond of: Kathy Mac (Hughes-McMahon?) and Caroline Goldfish (Fishgold). Beautiful and always nice to me. Kinda friend-ly-like, when I think about it. Meant a whole lot to me. Still does. And ladies, poor me is widowed now, and available. Ready and eager to fall in love, or, at least,a deep and lasting like , again.”
I worked at the Trident late 1971-the end of 1972. I was hired by Frank and worked mainly as the hostess. What a scene it was!! I was Elena Rogova then and lived in various places in Sausalito. The Dolphin Apartments is one place I remember and I rented a house that the band Dr. Hook & The Medicine Show moved into. A special time, a crazy time, those memorable times at The Trident and living in Sausalito.